This is a short story I wrote. I was inspired after reading Girl by Jamiaca Kincaid.
Awww, her hair is so soft. Make sure to grease it with African Hair Food, every morning and night. Don't put barats or elastics in her hair. Don't comb it. Don't brush it. Wash it gently every couple of weeks with something mild from Ebony Beauty. Feel the softness. Don't pull her hair too hard but gently massage her scalp for stimulation.
Wow, her hair grew in so well. Get her some of those colorful scrunchies and barats. Section her hair in fourths and tie up her hair in cute simple stlyes. Make sure you grease her hair with African Hair Food, and wash her hair every two weeks with something mild.
Her hair is still so soft, it is so fine. It's beautiful and delicate. Keep taking care of it. Maybe she might have that good hair. I can't believe how well her hair is growing in. It is getting a little coarse. Make sure you are using the African Hair Food.
Now that her hair is long enough, you should put cornrows in. Her hair is getting too coarse for those colorful scrunches and barats. But still take care of her hair. Are you washing it gently, twice a week?
Her hair is getting so full and thick so fast. Oh my God, she has an afro of hair. You must have been greasing her hair and washing it right? Her hair is so nappy.When she was a baby I thought she was going to have that good hair. You know manageble, fine long beautiful hair. Well keep putting those cornrows in and maybe you can put beads in for style.
Damn, she has such nappy hair. She's getting too grown for those cornrows. You said your husband is West African right? and You are West African? Oh, no wonder. This child is doomed to have nappy no growing hair. Use this no lye relaxer in a box. You can get it from Ebony Beauty. Apply it to her whole head, and then apply it to her new growth at three inches of growth. Her hair will appear as though she has good hair, but it is just the relaxer.
Shit, she looks so grown, what happened to her hair? It broke off? Did you keep up with the relaxer? Grease her head with African Hair Food? and wash her hair every two weeks? You did? Well she can't go out with her hair looking like that. Put a weave on her head. She can get single braids, cornrows, or a straight weave. Make sure the extensions match her relaxed hair. Get a simple style. Keep it natural.
She needs a weave.Her hair is too nappy to show. Hide her hair underneath the weave. Go to Ebony Beauty and pick products out to maintain her weave.
You look familiar, aren't you Isatu's daughter? The one with the soft hair, then coarse hair, then nappy hair, then no hair and then weave.
So how's it going? Did you get the weave? Buy all the products you would need to keep it up? Relax your hair? Grease it with African Hair Food? Wash it every two weeks?
Yes, the weave was too heavy for my hair because my hair was thining from all the products I used to keep the weave up, all the relaxers, the synthetic grease and shampoo that clogged up my scalp' so it couldn't breath. So I gave it all up. Everything my mother told me to do from some lady,I gave it up. I'm wearing a wig until my hair grows back and then I am going all natural. My hair maybe nappy and I may not have that good hair but at least I'll have hair. Sorry, I didn't catch your name.
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